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Text File | 1995-05-27 | 9.6 KB | 236 lines | [TEXT/SM!3] |
- '****************************************************************************
- 'This is the STRIP-MAC! SURPRISES file distributed with v3.0.3 of Strip-Mac!.
- '
- 'Note: There MUST be a blank line after each card (including the final one).
- '
- 'I welcome suggestions for new surprises.
- '
- '****************************************************************************
- '*****************************Clothing related*******************************
- Anyone now naked may reclaim one item of clothing. <NE>
- Anyone now naked may reclaim one item of clothing, but you may not select one
- that would conceal your crotch. <NE>
- Any player fully dressed below the waist must "drop their drawers" and moon the
- other players.
- Everyone with black hair remove a piece of clothing. If you have none then give a
- kiss to anyone who wants one.
- Everyone with blonde hair remove a piece of clothing. If you have none then give
- a kiss to anyone who wants one.
- Everyone with brown hair remove a piece of clothing. If you have none then give a
- kiss to anyone who wants one.
- Everyone with red hair remove a piece of clothing. If you have none then give a
- kiss to anyone who wants one.
- Let's make some changes. Any player with exactly two items of clothing may
- reclaim one item of clothing. Any player with more than two items of clothing
- must remove one item. <NE>
- <P>, if today is a day of the week with an "r" in its name then you should remove
- your outermost piece of clothing, otherwise remove your innermost piece.
- <P1>, if you can pluck out a pubic hair from another player in the next <T>
- seconds, you may put on a piece of clothing.
- <P> may reclaim one item of clothing but must take off a different item of
- clothing.
- <P> <%i> to remove a piece of clothing. If already naked, <%e> must grant a
- favour to a randomly chosen player.
- <P> <%i> to remove a piece of clothing. If already naked, <%e> must grant a
- favour to a randomly chosen player.
- <P> <%i> to remove a piece of clothing. If already naked, <%e> must grant a
- favour to a randomly chosen player.
- <P> <%i> to remove a piece of clothing. If already naked, <%e> must grant a
- favour to a randomly chosen player.
- <P1>, show us your underwear. If you're not wearing any grant a favour to a
- randomly selected player.
- The last person to say "Me!" is to remove a piece of clothing or grant a favour
- to a randomly selected player if they're already naked.
- The player who can make their nipples most erect in the next 10 seconds may put
- on a piece of clothing.
- The person whose nipples are most erect is to remove a piece of clothing or be
- spanked by the other players if they're already naked.
- The first player to correctly state the product of <T> and <T> may remove a piece
- of clothing from the player of their choice. Anyone guessing incorrectly, must
- remove a piece of their own clothing or stand naked outside the front door if
- already nude.
- The first player to correctly state the product of <T>, <T> and <T> may remove a
- piece of clothing from the player of their choice. Anyone guessing incorrectly,
- must remove a piece of their own clothing or stand naked outside the front door
- if already nude.
- Time to get ready for the beach! <PM1> will strip from the waist down, and then
- locate and put on the scantiest pair of bikini bottoms or bikini-style panties -
- removing them from their owner if necessary. The player of his choice will now
- shave off all of his _visible_ pubic hair. <R>
- '********************************Examination********************************
- Crotch Test! Everyone put their left and right hands on the crotch of the players
- to their left and right, respectively, and check things out. Don’t move or remove
- any clothing! <R>
- <PF1> is to check the circumference of every penis in the room, using as a
- standard measure the circle formed by touching the tips of her thumb and index
- finger together. Determine who is largest. <R>
- <PF1> is to check the circumference of every penis in the room, using as a
- standard measure the circle formed by touching the tips of her thumb and index
- finger together. Any guys smaller than that standard are to be fondled and
- stroked for 20 seconds to see if they can achieve the standard.
- <P1> is to receive a <T> second massage from the player of <%r> choice.
- <P> may give a <T> second massage to the player of <%r> choice.
- <P1>, you may fondle the person of your choice. <R>
- '*********************************Favours***********************************
- The first person to pluck out one of their own pubic hairs may demand a favour of
- another player.
- <PF1> you are to expose your <BF>. If already visible, you must grant a favour to
- a randomly selected player.
- <PM1> you are to expose your <BM>. If already visible, you must grant a favour to
- a randomly selected player.
- <P1> you must show us your underwear. If you're not wearing any you must grant a
- favour to a randomly selected player.
- <P> you must lower your underwear and turn around in a complete circle at least
- once. If you're not wearing any then you must grant a favour to a randomly
- selected player.
- '********************************Kissing************************************
- <P1>, you have 10 seconds to kiss as many players as you like.
- <P>, you may kiss the person of your choice.
- <P>, you may kiss the person of your choice.
- <P>, you may kiss the person of your choice.
- '******************************Money related********************************
- A randomly chosen player has just won <CR+> credits.
- A randomly chosen player has just lost <CR-> credits.
- '*******************************Miscellaneous*******************************
- All of the guys are going caving! All the girls must temporarily strip to the
- waist and together form a "cave" by getting on the floor on hands-and-knees,
- shoulder to shoulder. The guys, in turn, will try to wriggle on their back
- through the cave. Any one who touches one of the "stalactites" hanging from the
- roof of the cave must strip from the waist down, lie on the floor, and display
- his stalagmite for one minute. <NE>
- Choo choo! Everybody turn to the person on your left and join yourself to them by
- standing behind them and clasping their chest with both hands. Girls: you may put
- your hands inside clothing. Guys: you may not. Now choo choo round in a circle
- twice.
- Choo choo! Everybody turn to the person on your right and join yourself to them
- by standing behind them and clasping their chest with both hands. Girls: you may
- put your hands inside clothing. Guys: you may not. Now choo choo round in a
- circle twice.
- Choo choo! Everybody turn to the person on your left and join yourself to them by
- standing behind them and clasping their crotch with both hands. Girls: you may
- put your hands inside clothing. Guys: you may not. Now choo choo round in a
- circle twice. <R>
- Choo choo! Everybody turn to the person on your right and join yourself to them
- by standing behind them and clasping their crotch with both hands. Girls: you may
- put your hands inside clothing. Guys: you may not. Now choo choo round in a
- circle twice. <R>
- Each player must select an additional activity from the Nominated Activities
- dialog.
- For the next <T> seconds all players can do whatever they like; drinking,
- dancing, kissing...
- If the game is currently set to G-rated you must change it to R-rated. It may not
- be changed back.
- <P1>, demonstrate one of your favourite sexual positions with a player of your
- choice.
- <P1> may change the game rating to the setting of <%r> choice -- G, R or X.
- <P1>, you have one minute to unzip every zip you can find.
- <P1>, you have one minute to unbutton every button you can find.
- <P1>, if you remove a piece of clothing for <T> seconds then every other player
- wearing that same piece of clothing must remove theirs for the same period of
- time. For example, if you remove a jacket then everyone else with a jacket must
- remove theirs also.
- <P1>, select a type of drink, either alcoholic or not, and a drinking partner.
- Your partner must consume an equal quantity to you (be it a sip, a glass or a
- bucketful) or remove an item of clothing.
- <P1>, you are a hairdresser. Use your fingers to comb all the visible hair of the
- client of your choice.
- <P1>, you are a taylor. Use your hands to take the measurements of the player of
- your choice.
- <P1>, you are a masseur. The player of your choice is to stand in the middle of
- the room while you massage him or her all over for <T> seconds.
- <P> must select an additional activity from the Nominated Activities dialog.
- <P> must select two additional activities from the Nominated Activities dialog.
- <P1> will select an additional activity from the Nominated Activities dialog for
- the player on <%r> left.
- <P1> will select an additional activity from the Nominated Activities dialog for
- the player on <%r> right.
- <PF1> exchange your outermost item of clothing with <PM1>. If either of you is
- naked then you should give the other player a favour, rather than a piece of
- clothing.
- <P1>, remove an item of clothing and place it on an inappropriate part of your
- body. If you're already naked then grant a favour to a randomly selected player.
- <P1>, remove an item of your clothing and put it back on inside out. If you're
- already naked then grant a favour to a randomly selected player.
- <P1>, for the next minute you must wear the most recently discarded item of
- clothing -- regardless of whose it is.
- Wiggle dance! Everybody turn to the person on your left and join yourself to them
- by standing behind them and pressing your body tightly against theirs. Now all
- wiggle about for <T> seconds.
- Wiggle dance! Everybody turn to the person on your right and join yourself to
- them by standing behind them and pressing your body tightly against theirs. Now
- all wiggle about for <T> seconds.